Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Windbg Command Commands


Set up symbol path
File -> Symbol File Path
give the value

where C:\MicrosoftSourceCode\RefSrc\Symbols is the location where the debug symbols would be saved

Attach to the process from File >Attach to a process
To break into a process
Press Key Ctrl+Break

To make the process run
press key g

Switch back and forth between these to debug and run.

To create a User Dump Complete
.dump /ma pathtodumpfile
eg: .dump /ma C:\Software\Findings\App21July2010.dmp

To load SOS based on Microsoft framework
.loadby sos mscorwks

To load the extension on SOS (Son Of Strike) manual
eg: .load C:\Software\SOSExtentions\sosex_32\sosex.dll

To get a list of app domains created
!dumpdomain stat

To get a list of all modules (dlls) loaded

get the module address from here and do a
!dumpmodule address

to get what is in the contents do
get the meta data of the assembly
dc <MetaDataStart> <MetaDataEnd>

eg: dc 114d09e4 114d09e4+0n4184

Get the no of GC or Loader heaps in the process
Sos2 Dlls (sos2 is an extension to sos.dll
.load C:\Software\WinDebugger\sos2\sos2.dll

Get a list of module loaded and their sizes
!list -t ntdll!_LIST_ENTRY.Flink -x "dt ntdll!_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY @$extret\" 005d40b8

Heap Statistics
!dumpheap -stat

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