Wednesday, July 28, 2010

.NET Consideration for x64 CPU Architecture

Running in both 64 bit and 32 bit Architectures
If you have an assembly built with the Any CPU target platform in Visual Studio then when the application runs in 64 bit process it would run as a 64 bit image like wise if it runs in a 32 bit process it runs as a 32 bit image.

Loading assemblies
If you have an assembly build as x86 target platform a 64 bit process can still load this assembly but the contrary is not true if you have built an assembly in x64 platform this assembly can't be loaded in a 32 bit process

Having both 64 bit and 32 bit build target platform
If you have some projects that target 32 bit platform and other projects that target 64 bit in Visual studio, if you have your target platform as Any CPU, the projects with x86 would not be built and would be skipped.

The same holds for any specific targets for projects within a solution.

In order to build Any CPU, x64 and x86 target platforms in one go you would need to create a new configuration for mixed mode and change individual projects to their required CPU architectures.

If you have an assembly and would like to find out which target platform it was built then use the corflags.exe tool that comes with .NET Framework SDK

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Check if anybody is listening on a port

When we have remoting clients or windows servies we would like to know which ports are free or which programs are using or listening on a port.

We could make use of a program called TCP View from Sysinternal to see all the processes and the ports that they listen to.

Another built in way is to use the windows netstat

In order to search if there are any ports that are listening we could use

netstat -an |find "9099"

Here we are checking if anyone is listening on port 9099 if we did not get any result the ports may not be active but still registered so we are not guaranteed that these ports are free.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Windows 2003 Firewall Changes

Expose Web Site to the Internet, Intranet
Since the web site is exposed on port 80 we need to add this as an exception to the firewall.

Under the exception tab
Click Add Port
Enter Name as "Internet"
Port Number as 80
Make sure its a TCP port.

Check this exception on the list

UNC Path
If we want to share files across UNC Path (\\ServerName\C$\) the firewall should have an exceptions to allow File and Printer Sharing.


Under the exception tab check the File and Printer Sharing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Windbg Command Commands


Set up symbol path
File -> Symbol File Path
give the value

where C:\MicrosoftSourceCode\RefSrc\Symbols is the location where the debug symbols would be saved

Attach to the process from File >Attach to a process
To break into a process
Press Key Ctrl+Break

To make the process run
press key g

Switch back and forth between these to debug and run.

To create a User Dump Complete
.dump /ma pathtodumpfile
eg: .dump /ma C:\Software\Findings\App21July2010.dmp

To load SOS based on Microsoft framework
.loadby sos mscorwks

To load the extension on SOS (Son Of Strike) manual
eg: .load C:\Software\SOSExtentions\sosex_32\sosex.dll

To get a list of app domains created
!dumpdomain stat

To get a list of all modules (dlls) loaded

get the module address from here and do a
!dumpmodule address

to get what is in the contents do
get the meta data of the assembly
dc <MetaDataStart> <MetaDataEnd>

eg: dc 114d09e4 114d09e4+0n4184

Get the no of GC or Loader heaps in the process
Sos2 Dlls (sos2 is an extension to sos.dll
.load C:\Software\WinDebugger\sos2\sos2.dll

Get a list of module loaded and their sizes
!list -t ntdll!_LIST_ENTRY.Flink -x "dt ntdll!_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY @$extret\" 005d40b8

Heap Statistics
!dumpheap -stat

WinDbg SOS Find Strings in .NET Application

Find all strings loaded in the .net process
!dumpheap -strings

Output for dumping all strings, the total size is the parameter for min and max

Count Total Size String Value
1 20 "z"
1 20 "y"

Find all the string between specific sizes with and ----- between each listings

.foreach(loadedString {!dumpheap -type System.String -min 40 -max 50 -short}){!do -nofields loadedString;.echo -------------}

Make sure that the range is small as if its too large the windows debugger hangs.

Its better to use the previous command and find out the length of the string and then use the
!dumpheap -type System.String -min 40 -max 50 -short to get the address of these strings

Output for this would be
Name: System.String
MethodTable: 703588c0
EEClass: 7011a498
Size: 44(0x2c) bytes
String: eventMappings

since we have put -nofields we don't see the internal fields for String class. The "eventMappings" is the actual value present in the memory
The blanks are due to the editor not able to understand the table tag

Monday, July 19, 2010

Reading SQL Server Roll Over Trace Files into Table

The default roll over files for SQL Server 2005 Trace do not get imported by the fn_trace_gettable if this roll over is done through the trace UI. To fix this problem do the following.

Create a table to hold the trace table
SELECT * INTO Trace071910
FROM fn_trace_gettable('E:\trace_071910\Monitoring_071910.trc', default);
To insert the first trace file records in to the table

Then insert the other records starting from the roll over file which starts with _1, this would start inserting all the records till the end of the trace roll over file is reached.

INSERT INTO Trace071910
FROM fn_trace_gettable('E:\trace_071910\Monitoring_071910_1.trc', default);

In the event of the duration column not available on the trace file we can update it into the trace table with the following query

UPDATE Trace071910
SET duration = DATEDIFF (ms ,startTime ,endTime)

Here I have converted the duration to a millisecond.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Powershell Hyper-V Commands

Check the version of Powershell in Hyper-V.

Type $Host.version

It should be version 2.0

Install the Hyper-V Module Scripts from from CodePlex

UnZip and copy the underlying HyperV_Install folder contents to the Documents/windowsPowershell/HyperV folder of the administrator, the full path should look like


You could do the same to other users as well or use the installer provided to load to all users with a manual setup.

On the Hyper-V Command Prompt type Powershell to go to the powershell prompt

PS>Import-Module HyperV to load the Hyper V module commands
PS>Get-VMSummary to see a list of Virtual Machines on the box
PS>Start-VM "VMElementName" to start the Machine if its not running.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Read Only User for SQL Server

In order to create a Readonly user to have just Read out of the CRUD operations for DML Statements

1. Open Security->Logins
2. Right Click the User and choose Properties
3. Click User Mapping
4. On the Database list select the database the user is going to get associated with (Note in SQL Server 2005 the title of this panel is wrongly given as "Users Mapped to this login" instead of "Databases Mapped to this login"
5. On the bottom select the following permissions

  • db_datareader

  • db_denydatawriter


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

OleDbConnection String for Excel, CSV and Tab Delimited Formats

Office 2003 and Lower till 97
Excel Format (xls)
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=FilePathWithFileName;Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1'

csv Format
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=FilePathWithoutFileName;Extended Properties='text;HDR=YES;FMT=CSVDelimited'

Tab Delimited
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=FilePathWithoutFileName;Extended Properties='text;HDR=YES;FMT=TabDelimited'

Office 2007 and 2010
Excel Format (xlsx)
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=FilePathWithFileName;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2

csv Format
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=FilePathWithoutFileName;Extended Properties='text;HDR=YES;FMT=CSVDelimited'

Tab Delimited
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=FilePathWithoutFileName;Extended Properties='text;HDR=YES;FMT=TabDelimited'

Note For Office 2010 you would need to download
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010
If this is installed this is backward compatible to read older versions too (xls) so there is no need for having two different connection string.

Since this driver has a 64 bit version, the long standing bottleneck of not able to use the 64 bit CPU architecture is finally solved.

Gotomeeting Outlook Plugin

This plugin is not a stand alone install.

This needs to be installed as part of the entire application.

Navigate to

click on "Host a meeting" at the top of the page

This would give a page with a button which says "Launch Software"

This would install the software together with the Outlook toolbar. If you had Outlook opened while the installation was on, you have to restart Outlook to see the tool bar.

Gotomeeting plugin for Outlook

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hyper-V and Diskpart to extend an existing virtual hard disk

Using Hyper-V make sure that the virtual disk is not partitioned. If you want a new partition instead of partitioning the disk create a new disk and add it to the virtual machine.

If however the existing disk space is not enough we may need to increase the disk size using Hyper V Manager

1. Open Hyper V Manager
2. On the list of Virtual Machine make sure the machine whose disk is to be extended is shut down
3. Right click the machine and choose settings
4. On the settings dialog chose the Hard Drive (IDE Controller)
5. Under the Virtual hard disk click on the edit button
6. Under Choose action select expand
7. Under the Configure Disk change the new size to the desired value and save the changes
8. Using the Hyper V Manager Start the virtual machine.
9. If the virtual disk is a partition the newly allocated size would come up as unallocated space in Disk Management
10. We can add this to last partition created on the disk using diskpart
11. Open a command prompt (hopefully with administrative access)
12. Type Diskpart
13. Type list volume
14. Select the volume nearest to the unallocated space in the Disk Management utility discussed previously by giving the command select volume
15. Type extend
The partition would have absorbed the newly unallocated space.

Happy Extending

Monday, June 28, 2010

XCopy between two folders

xcopy source destination /E = All files and directories including empty ones

xcopy d:\rs\pf d:\projects\PF /E

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two Versions of private assembly in the same application

When migrating the application we had an issue with log4net some of the modules used log4net based on the .NET framework 1.1 and other used .NET framework 2.0. The problem was since both the filenames were log4net.dll how do we put them in the same folder.

We then made use of the assembly dependency property of CLR to place these assemblies in two different folders and then give instruction to the clr on how to load them.

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="log4net"
culture="neutral" />
<codeBase version=""
<assemblyIdentity name="log4net"
culture="neutral" />
<codeBase version=""