Sometimes when we open the Caching Administrating Windows Powershell we might get this error
This happens cause the powershell tries to connect to the appfabric using the current logged in user.
You should add the user who is trying to administer Appfabric cache cluster to have access to the cache cluster database on the database server.
Test connection failed for ConnectionString Data Source=rssqlstd08;Initial Catal
og=AppFabric;Integrated Security=True and Provider System.Data.SqlClient
Use-CacheCluster : ErrorCode:SubStatus:Error encountered
in accessing the configuration store. Check the access permissions and existenc
At line:1 char:62
+ Import-Module DistributedCacheAdministration;Use-CacheCluster <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Use-CacheCluster], DataCacheE
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ERRCAdmin007,Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching
This happens cause the powershell tries to connect to the appfabric using the current logged in user.
You should add the user who is trying to administer Appfabric cache cluster to have access to the cache cluster database on the database server.